The 10th of December is the International human rights day, in joint collaboration between our daughter organisation “VNG international Centre for Innovative Local Governance (CILG)” and the Tunisian Association of Municipalities (FNCT) a “Manifest” has been published on social media to urge the respect to the right to the city, underlining our inclusive approach and respect to human rights and make sure none is left behind especially in these rough times of crisis Covid-19 and beyond.

The right to the city is an idea and a slogan that was first proposed by Henri Lefebvre in his 1968 book “Le Droit à la ville” and that has been reclaimed more recently by several progressive local authorities as a call to action to reclaim the city as a co-created space combatting spatial inequalities in worldwide cities.

This “Manifest” created a very positive snowball effect, welcoming our initiative in a supportive way.
Please read here the Manifest in French.
international day of human rights