Country Jordan
Region Middle East
Duration Start 26 November, 2018 till 30 November, 2020
Field of expertise Developing Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Communities
Policy field(s) Smart City / Urban planning
Community development
Public policy and planning
Funding GIZ,German International Cooperation Head Office
Project code 11398
In this project, VNG International focused specifically on the development of public spaces and green infrastructure in the municipalities of Sarhan, Bal'ama and Um Al Jimmal, all located in the Mafraq region / Governorate.
The overall objective of the project was to contribute to the development of new public green spaces via green infrastructure measures, which enhances locals' and refugees' quality of life and well-being.
At the end of the project , three public green spaces and infrastructures were developed in the three target municipalities in the selected locations, which are inclusive and pay specific attention to the inclusion of women.

Special objective 1:
Strengthen the capacity of Jordanian local governments in the development of public space and green infrastructure.
Result 1 achieved:
The municipalities involved are capable of leading a process for public space and green infrastructure development of a site in which they have actively involved their community, and have enhanced ownership of the future maintenance of the sites.

Special objective 2:
Supporting vulnerable Syrians and Jordanians by bringing them into work and providing qualification measures in order to improve their longer-term employment perspectives

Result 2.1 achieved: Approximately 300 vulnerable labour forces (max. 80% men and min. 20% women; 50% Jordanians, 50% Syrians) have been contracted for a minimum of 40 days.
Result 2.2 achieved : Provided a minimum of 76% of the CfW workers (max. 80% men and min. 20% women, 50% Jordanians, 50% Syrians) with skills development measures (on-the-job and life skills training)